Sleep - Your Top Productivity Hack & 4 Sleep Hygiene Tips

energy productivity productivity activity Jul 11, 2022

Want my favorite productivity “hack”? How did I get more productive in just 1 step? ⁠

Sleep. Sweet, delicious sleep. ⁠

Without 7 - 8 hours consistently every night, all you have to do is google the effects of fatigue to know that after a certain point, it’s like you’re effectively drunk. And here’s the truth as a mama – if your kiddo’s sleep isn’t consistent, your sleep is affected to. It’s time to do your whole household a big favor and get better sleep, because when everyone is well rested – you get more done, in less time. Period. ⁠

Easy ways to get more sleep that we use in our house – ⁠

1) Black out blinds or eye covers – darkness makes you sleepy, keep the room dark and it’s easier to ease into sleep.⁠ Need a cheap option for blinds? Check out, we got these for my son's room when we were sleep training him and they work, as prescribed. Are they pretty? Not really. Do they do the job - 100%. If you're on a budget, these are a great way to go!

2) White noise machine – covers ambient noise and with the repeating sound cycle, your brain shuts off.⁠ The other sound options may seem worth trying... skip them, truly use the white noise option.

3) Drop the house temp to 68 – 70 degrees at night – I don’t know why a cooler temperature works, but it does! ⁠We always sleep better. 

4) HEPA room air purifier – this is a personal revelation and one that I don’t think gets enough credit. With kiddos and stuffy noses, a room purifier does marvels to helping remove allergens and other nose stuffing particles equaling in better sleep. ⁠

Give these quick tips a try and report back on how you and your whole house is snoozing through the night! 
Until then, feel free to peruse the blog for all sorts of tips and tricks serving us Mama's! 

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