I'm Tired of the Baby Weight, There I Said It

mindset productivity Aug 23, 2023

I'm tired of my baby weight, there I said it.

I don't like that there is a portion of my closet that doesn't fit my current body shape. I'm tired of the extra poochiness around my mid-section. I want a change. 

The flip side narrative that is going through my brain is "give yourself some grace, you had a baby 5 months ago!" But the other voice, the one that isn't a fan of my current discomfort around the pounds I put on having 2 kids, is the one nudging me to see my discomfort and use that as the extra oompf I need to make the change.

I like to tell clients that when it comes to choices, think of this analogy - we have BOTH the accelerator and decelerator. They are right next to each other - we can rev up or slow down. It's up to us. It's up to whether we value the choice/decision enough to make the change. And in this aspect of my life, I want to make the change. Step on that accelerator baby! 

Here's the thing about change that we all know (all too well) - it's hard. 

It's one thing to want to make the change, it's a whole different thing to support the actions that it takes to make the change. So, here's what I'm doing to support myself in this change, to make it happen: 

1) Get SUPER CLEAR on my goal 
2) Set myself up for success that even in my weakest moments, I can't help, but do the action
3) Set up accountability

I also don't like to 'wing it' when it comes to habit building - I need to plan them out. Because if I don't give it a concerted effort, then I get disheartened when they don't work the way I want to. 

So, here's what I'm doing to address the points above: 

- Wake up early (5 AM) and have 15+ minutes of intentional movement every week day - I'm not going to subject myself to trying to achieve anything on weekends 🤣. Do this for the next 30 days to see if it actually works. Readjust if it's not working. 

- Set a calendar reminder in the evening to prep myself for waking up early and have everything ready for the following day
- Set a repeatable alarm for 4:55 AM, Monday - Friday 
- Put my phone outside of my reach so that I can't just press snooze while I'm in bed
- Set up what I plan to do from 5 AM - 7 AM so that I don't have to think about it 

4:55 AM: Alarm Goes Off 
5:00 AM - 6:00 AM: Brush teeth, exercise/move, meditate 
6:00 AM - 7:00 AM: Shower, get dressed/ready for the day 
*The littles usually start moving around by now 

- I am going to post a screenshot everyday for the next 30 days to show when I actually get up, with a weekly synopsis of how my habit building is going and if I am achieving my main goal - incorporating more movement into my week to help shed these extra lb's. 

Now I'm also putting in some contingencies - I have blocks of time set aside for extra zzz's if I need them. I have a mix of exercise types prepped and ready to go, depending on how I'm feeling... Resistance training, HIIT, rowing, yoga and some gentle core movement exercises to build my ability in push-up's, squats, pull-up's, bridges etc.

And lastly, I am a morning person, but even this is going to be tough - wish me luck! 

Your Coach - Erica 

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