Hey Mama Coaching



Your Life As A Working Mom Shouldn't Wait

You have balance, rest, joy, and more waiting for you right now!

Tell Me More

You Had A Groove + Now It's Gone

Pre-baby, you did you. And you did you really well. Now, poof! That well worn groove of you is gone. I'm here to help working mom's find their new groove. 

Feel like your nose is just above water? 

Join my mini course on getting organized and boosting your productivity with Mastering Google Keep

It's FREE!

P.S. It's self-paced and you'll have lifetime access!

We won't send spam or share your info. Unsubscribe at any time.

Say Goodbye to scattered thoughts and disorganized tasks... And Hello to:


You don't go to 5 + spots around your house to get dressed everyday, right? You go to one spot - your closet. The same applies here. Let's move all your tasks, to-do's, reminders, lists into one spot, Google Keep!


The mental burden of remembering 'all the things' is especially tough for women. Google Keep helps alleviate this burden whilst lightening the load.


Google Keep allows for sharing and collaboration - want to hand off to-do's, share grocery lists, get your honey-do list scheduled...? Yup, you guessed it, Google Keep does all that too!

About Hey Mama Coaching

Meet Erica 

Mama, wife, certified coach + project manager. Lover of well worn jeans, all plants, gin + tonic's, and summer. Also a recovering perfectionist, learning to rest, discovering slow, and finding a new way through this season of my life. 

Read My Story

Musings on Mom-hood

Blog, Journal, Crayon Doodles...

Becoming a mom is everything and nothing like you expected. Need some words of encouragement? Head to the blog!

Read The Blog

Work With Me

1:1 Coaching 

We don't have to grind through everyday, pushing through 'til whenever we're 'supposed' to get a break. This season of change is hard and I'm here to make it easier. Schedule a consult to see if Hey Mama Coaching is the right fit for you. 

Connect With Erica

Why Work with A Coach?

Coaches challenge you, teach you new perspectives and
role model the way.

Teach New Ways to Think
Coaches offer new perspectives and new ways to think.


Challenge You to Grow 
Coaches challenge you to grow to new levels and ability.


Role Model the Way 
At Hey Mama, you are connecting with someone that is walking the talk.


Mom Tested Wisdom

(Delivered to your inbox every Wednesday)


More Questions?

Whether you want to know about 1:1 coaching, have questions about Erica or
just want to say Hello, we're here to help!

Email [email protected] or click the 'Contact Erica' button below. 

Contact Erica

FREE, Self-Paced, & Lifetime Access...

Join Now!